Fun in the sun

I had the joy of working with a friend of mine on this shoot. Jana, had some free time while her two adorable boys were with family, so we decided to get out and go take some pictures around the Marine Corps base that we both live on. We took the afternoon and went to several locations to explore them and see what fun stuff we could come up with. The beaches here are all so beautiful of course, so we definately included a couple of them in our shoot. Jana was so wonderful to work with. She made taking these pictures so easy. Thank you Jana for being so open to all my ideas, even if some of them didn't work out so well. We did run out of time that day and were not able to do all the ideas I had in mind, but we had so much fun with the time we did have. I just recently took some pictures of Jana and her husband. Keep an eye out for these photos to be posted soon.